Symmetry of Soul

Each Tuesday, a broadcast focused on science, religion, and philosophy, based on the unifying concepts of The Urantia Book. Broadcasts begin 9:00 PM ET. Co-hosted by Dr. Chris Halvorson, Andrea Barnes, Brad Garner, David Tucker, and Justin Armstrong.

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Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

The administrative center of Satania consists of a cluster of made-to-order, architectural spheres, fifty-seven in number—Jerusem itself, the seven major satellites, and the forty-nine subsatellites.  The seven major worlds swinging around Jerusem are generally known as the transitional culture spheres.  The seven mansion worlds are the seven subsatellites of transition world number one.
We begin the reading in Paper 45.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

Jesus' new sacrament of the supper of remembrance, when it is partaken of by those who are Son-believing and God-knowing, does not need to have associated with its symbolism any of man's puerile misinterpretations regarding the meaning of the divine presence, for upon all such occasions the Master is really present.  The remembrance supper is the believer's symbolic rendezvous with Michael.
We begin the reading in Paper 179, Section 4.

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Jesus questioned his apostles, saying: "Do you really understand what I have done to you?  You call me Master, and you say well, for so I am.  If, then, the Master has washed your feet, why was it that you were unwilling to wash one another’s feet?  What lesson should you learn from this parable in which the Master so willingly does that service which his brethren were unwilling to do for one another?"
We begin the reading in Paper 179, Section 2.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

Said Jesus to the twelve before they entered Jerusalem together for the last time: "You should know that in my Father’s universe and in mine are many abodes, and that there awaits the children of light the revelation of cities whose builder is God and worlds whose habit of life is righteousness and joy in the truth.  But first must you gird yourselves and complete the work which you have begun with me."
We begin the reading in Paper 178, Section 3.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

Throughout the vicissitudes of life, as followers of Jesus’ gospel, remember always to love one another.  Do not strive with men, even with unbelievers.  Show mercy even to those who despitefully abuse you.  Show yourselves to be loyal citizens, upright artisans, praiseworthy neighbors, devoted kinsmen, understanding parents, and sincere believers in the brotherhood of the Father’s kingdom.
We begin the reading in Paper 178, Section 1, Paragraph 14.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

The kingdoms of this world, being material, may often find it necessary to employ physical force in the execution of their laws and for the maintenance of order.  In the kingdom of heaven true believers should not resort to the employment of physical force.  The kingdom of heaven, being a spiritual brotherhood of the spirit-born sons of God, may be promulgated only by the power of the spirit.
We begin the reading in Paper 178.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

As a truth-loving soul, you must not allow yourself to be deceived by those who appear to likewise believe.  Many may listen to the truth and believe it superficially with their minds, but few will permit the word of truth to strike down into the heart with living roots.  Those who know only in the mind, having not experienced truth in the heart, cannot be depended upon for support when real trouble comes.
We begin the reading in Paper 177, Section 3.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023

Alone with the young man, John Mark, Jesus explained: “Love, John, is the supreme reality of the universe when bestowed by all-wise beings, but it is a dangerous and oftentimes semiselfish trait as it is manifested in the experience of mortal parents.  When you get married and have children of your own to rear, make sure that your love is admonished by wisdom and guided by intelligence.”
We begin the reading in Paper 177, Section 2.

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023

Jesus promised to do two things after he had ascended to the Father, and after all power in heaven and on earth had been placed in his hands.  He promised, first, to send into the world, and in his stead, another teacher, the Spirit of Truth; and this he did on the day of Pentecost.  Second, he most certainly promised his followers that he would sometime personally return to this world.
We begin the reading in Paper 176, Section 4.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023

Jesus said: “Make no mistake! your survival faith is a living faith, and it increasingly manifests the fruits of that divine spirit which first inspired it in the human heart.  That you have once accepted sonship in the heavenly kingdom will not save you in the face of the knowing and persistent rejection of those truths which have to do with the progressive spiritual fruit-bearing of the sons of God in the flesh.”
We begin the reading in Paper 176, Section 3.

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Jesus said: "The times of the reappearing of the Son of Man are known only in the councils of Paradise.  However, you should understand that, when this gospel of the kingdom shall have been proclaimed to all the world for the salvation of all peoples, and when the fullness of the age has come to pass, the Father will send you another dispensational bestowal, or else the Son of Man will return to adjudge the age."
We begin the reading in Paper 176.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

The fact that the spiritual leaders and the religious teachers of the Jewish nation onetime rejected the teachings of Jesus and conspired to bring about his cruel death, does not in any manner affect the status of any individual Jew in his standing before God.  And it should not cause those who profess to be followers of the Christ to be prejudiced against the Jew as a fellow mortal.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

Jesus preached, saying: “In every manner consistent with doing my Father’s will, I and my apostles have persistently sought peace; but the leaders of Israel will not have it.  By rejecting the truth of God and the light of heaven, they are aligning themselves on the side of error and darkness.  There cannot be peace between light and darkness, between life and death, between truth and error.”
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Said Jesus: “If the Jews choose to reject me and to refuse my teachings, I will not sit in judgment on them, for I came not to judge the world but to offer it salvation.  Nevertheless, they who reject me and refuse to receive my teaching shall be brought to judgment in due season by my Father and those whom he has appointed to sit in judgment on such as reject the gift of mercy and the truths of salvation.”
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Jesus taught, saying: “Your inability or unwillingness to forgive your fellows is the measure of your immaturity, your failure to attain adult sympathy, understanding, and love.  You hold grudges and nurse vengefulness in direct proportion to your ignorance of the inner nature and true longings of your children and your fellow beings.  Love is the outworking of the divine and inner urge of life.”
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

It was the genius of the Master for dealing with his adversaries that made them so afraid of him, and incensed them to bring about his death.  But the people were not slow to discern the dishonesty and insincerity in the questions asked by the Jewish rulers.  Even the common folk could not fail to distinguish between the moral majesty of the Master and the designing hypocrisy of his enemies. 
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

After the cleansing of the temple, the chief priests and the scribes were nonplused.  They did not know how to accomplish Jesus’ death, for they greatly feared the multitudes, who were then so outspoken in their approval of his overthrow of the profane profiteers.  And all that day, a day of quiet and peace in the temple courts, the people heard Jesus’ teaching and literally hung on his words.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023

No twelve human beings ever experienced such diverse and inexplicable emotions as now surged through the minds and souls of these ambassadors of the kingdom.  These sturdy Galileans were confused and disconcerted; they did not know what to expect next; they were too surprised to be much afraid.  They knew nothing of the Master’s plans for the next day, and they asked no questions.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Jesus lamented: “O Jerusalem, if you had only known, even you, at least in this your day, the things which belong to your peace, and which you could so freely have had!  But now are these glories about to be hid from your eyes.  You are about to reject the Son of Peace and turn your backs upon the gospel of salvation.  You are about to reject the gift of God, and all men will reject you.”
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Although the common folks of the villages of Bethany and Bethphage thought Jesus was now going into Jerusalem, in utter defiance of the Sanhedrin’s decree of death, to proclaim himself king of the Jews, the Bethany family—Lazarus, Martha, and Mary—more fully realized that the Master was not that kind of a king; they dimly felt that this might be his last visit to Jerusalem and Bethany.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday May 16, 2023

The First, Second, and Third Persons of Deity are equal to each other, and they are one.  “The Lord our God is one God.”  There is perfection of purpose and oneness of execution in the divine Trinity of eternal Deities.  The Father, the Son, and the Conjoint Actor are truly and divinely one.  Of a truth it is written: “I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me there is no God.”
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday May 09, 2023

Beings have attributes; but as Deity, the Paradise Trinity may more properly be regarded as having functions—such as justice administration, totality attitudes, co-ordinate action, and cosmic overcontrol.  These functions are not simply the sum of the Father’s apparent endowment of divinity plus those specialized attributes that are unique in the personal existence of the Son and the Spirit.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday May 02, 2023

Eternal Deity is perfectly unified; nevertheless there are three perfectly individualized persons of Deity.  The Paradise Trinity makes possible the simultaneous expression of all the diversity of the character traits and infinite powers of the First Source and Center and his eternal co-ordinates and of all the divine unity of the universe functions of undivided Deity. 
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Reality is unthinkable without the Trinity.  The Paradise Trinity effectively provides for the full expression and perfect revelation of the eternal nature of Deity.  The Trinity is Deity unity, and this unity rests eternally upon the absolute foundations of the divine oneness of the three original and co-ordinate and coexistent personalities, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. 
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

The Infinite Spirit possesses full power to transmit many of his powers and prerogatives to his co-ordinate and subordinate personalities and agencies.  In his munificence, he is represented in the grand universe by a vast array of ministering spirits, messengers, teachers, adjudicators, helpers, and advisers, together with supervisors of certain circuits of physical, morontial, and spiritual nature.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]
The reading starts in Paper 9, Section 8.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

Much as the Universal Father draws all personality to himself, and as the Eternal Son attracts all spiritual reality, so does the Conjoint Actor exercise a drawing power on all minds; he unqualifiedly dominates and controls the universal mind circuit.  All true and genuine intellectual values, all divine thoughts and perfect ideas, are unerringly drawn into this absolute circuit of mind.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

The absolute mind is the mind of the infinite Third Person of Deity; it is inseparable from the personality of God the Spirit.  Mind, in functioning beings, is not separated from energy or spirit, or both.  Mind is not inherent in energy; energy is receptive and responsive to mind; mind can be superimposed upon energy, but consciousness is not inherent in the purely material level. 
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

The Conjoint Creator is not energy nor the source of energy nor the destiny of energy; he is the manipulator of energy.  The Conjoint Creator is action—motion, change, modification, co-ordination, stabilization, and equilibrium.  The energies subject to the direct or indirect control of Paradise are by nature responsive to the acts of the Third Source and Center and his manifold agencies.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

The Spirit is supremely competent to minister love and to overshadow justice with mercy.  God the Spirit possesses all the supernal kindness and merciful affection of the Original and Eternal Son.  The universe of our origin is being forged out between the anvil of justice and the hammer of suffering; but those who wield the hammer are the children of mercy, the spirit offspring of the Infinite Spirit.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023

There are many spiritual influences, and they are all as one.  Even the work of the Thought Adjusters, though independent of all other influences, unvaryingly coincides with the spirit ministry of the combined influences of the Infinite Spirit and a local universe Mother Spirit.  In our minds and upon our souls they function as one spirit, notwithstanding their diverse origins.
[NOTE: Archive page of includes referenced 'Sections' previously studied in The Urantia Book. Broadcast begins each Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (02:00 GMT). Check for local time.]

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